Welcome to Inner Strength, a fusion of Pop and Folk

Listen to our new cd: Unforgotten

To order, please send an email to info@inner-strength.nl

For our concerts, click Agenda


Seven contrasting musicians form the Folk-Pop band Inner Strength, thus a truly unique sound is born every time a new song is written and played.

A droning, rhythmic didgeridoo, accompanied by a buzzing bouzouki, wonderful whistles, a vibrant violin and an almost gothic voice, on a foundation of sturdy drums and base take you on a musical journey.

Most musicians are also active in other  bands. Singer Noortje sings in the progressive rock band In-Tension. Violin player Cora plays in Korusonas and Klezmerband Klezmajeur. Guitar player Michiel studied music academy and is guitar teacher. Drummer Marc played in several acts and pop bands and now also plays in Tjane, the folk band of Guy Roelofs. Didge player Roland played with Charlie McMahon and Mark Atkins at Sfinks Festival and can regularly be found in theaters as accompanying didge player.

In 2003 the band is supporting act of Fairport Convention. In 2004 the first mini-cd ‘Driven' is released. In september 2005 the full CD ‘Meltemi' appears (for a review click here). Since 2006 the band often plays in theaters and cultural centers. In 2007 they released their second full CD 'Unforgotten'.