Highway of Life

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I’m on the road like everyone else
And it’s up to me to choose an exit
I drive one way as long as I want
But I can take the wrong road

Then the pain starts to pull me away
I’m getting more and more separated from the rest
But after a while something is pulling me back
I’m back on track

It’s a constant circle I’m driving
Off the road and than back on it again
I’m getting sick of the circles I’m making
There has to be an end

I’m now almost certain that I’m going in the right direction
Still you never know
But now I’m feeling good 
and enjoying every aspect of it

I have to take chances
Knowing it can hurt me
But if I don’t, I’m not really living
I’m going for it 
I’m taking the highway of life

© 2004
tekst: Noortje
muziek: Inner Strength